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When I was young, I would go to the shop with my dad and watch in awe as he and my uncle Jim expertly and effortlessly cut hair. I was amazed at how they got to meet and know so many people. It was like a parade of friends, one after another, coming in and sharing what was going on in their lives, or in town, or wherever news of the day might be happening. Most of it was good, but they were always there to listen when someone needed to vent or talk about something weighing them down. It was as if the haircut or shave was secondary to what was shared in that chair. To me, it was magical. They watched children grow into adults who then brought their children in. I was hooked.

Fast forward (and boy, does it go fast) to today. I have such an appreciation for what they taught me. How fortunate to witness and share life through and with other people in your work. It's an honor to carry on that tradition. Like life itself, life behind the chair can be challenging. Through the darkest days, the generosity of spirit of so many clients has lifted me and given me a strength that is earned by building a life surrounded by wonderful people. I like to believe it's karma, my own, and that of those whose shoulders I stand on. 

At the shop, every day brings something or someone new. And for that, I am grateful.

Welcome to Mick's.